Tilgate Park provides, “Space to Change”.

Tilgate Park, situated in Tilgate, South-East Crawley, is already a popular park amongst families.

However, provision of a, “Space to Change” toilet will most definitely bump it up the list of places to be visited by special needs families living locally and visiting the area.

The Space to Change toilet is a retro fit of an existing disabled toilet to provide a bench and hoist – two items essential for children and adults who require this equipment to meet their toileting needs away from home.

The toilet is now available for use.

The refit was carried out by Clos-o-Mat.

Are you planning to visit Tilgate Park shortly? We’d love to hear about your experience!

Visitor Information for Tilgate Park.

About Firefly

For Firefly, life is all about experiences and being face to face with friends and loved ones. By enhancing the child's perspective and giving them the tools to 'join in', the child not only has the opportunity to participate, but can also be at the heart of it.