The Lost Art of Emotional Eating

Food has certainly been my friend in the past five years as I have navigated through the new world of special needs parenting.

Bad day – biscuit or three.

No sleep – pieces of hot buttery toast.

Child not feeding – some ice cream.

DLA form to fill in – whole chocolate cake.

I know it is not great (and so does my waistline) and I’ll have little bursts of fitness where I’ll begin to feel like my old self.

Then a crisis will hit and I’ll hit the crisps.

There is a reason why it is called comfort food after all.

As my little boy gets older and heavier, I want to be healthier and stronger so that I can stick around as long as possible to look after him.

This means I need to take better care of myself.

So how to break this unhealthy cycle of reaching for the biscuit tin every time I feel stressed, scared or even bored?

I know it is not going to be easy, but I need to give it a shot for myself and my family.

Here’s what I have learnt so far:

I need to know what my triggers are. For me lack of sleep is my biggest trigger for eating more. Although I can’t control the former, I can try to control the latter by recognising this will be a harder day.

I need to recognise the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. And how emotional eating will never leave me feeling satisfied.

Once the cheesecake has gone – the emotion will still be there.

But I get to add guilt for stuffing my face to it.

I need to keep only healthy snacks in the house – apparently emotional hunger only wants fatty-type foods.

Keeping a diary of what I have eaten will help.

Too often, I will mindlessly eat and not know how much I have consumed in a day.

Writing it down shocks me and makes me more aware of what I am putting in my mouth the next day.

Too often I will eat a chocolate bar and then wonder where it has gone as I didn’t even taste it.

What a waste.

If I try to control the urge to gorge when it hits by waiting five minutes, hopefully the urge will pass.

I am going to try and walk for a bit each day to clear my head of any built up stress and hopefully increase this exercise routine each day.

I certainly need to slowly change my mind set and realise that I don’t need food to help me cope.

That I can manage all my emotions one day at a time without a tasty crutch.

It is time to look around and see there are plenty of ways to get comfort and pleasure.

More date nights, spending time with friends, reading a book, a bubble bath or laughing with the children.

Most importantly, I need to start believing that I am worth it.

Because I really am.

About Complicated Gorgeousness

Well, my name is Alison (aged somewhere between 30 and 40 - closer to the 40 alas) and I am an editor of a health magazine. I started my blog nearly a year ago with the aim of explaining the conundrum that is Gabriel, my four year old youngest son. I thought it would be a way of highlighting his journey to family and friends, far and near, but it has evolved.