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‘What would he/she like for Christmas?’

‘What would he/she like for Christmas?’

Oh not again. Every year, it’s the same brain-stretching, mind-bending question. And honestly, I haven’t a clue. The things my boy NEEDS are now so expensive; ‘special needs’ see… it's like putting the word ‘wedding’ in front of the word ‘dress’, suddenly you need to put multiple 0’s before the decimal point. So, we’re down to clothing or books that we can read to him. He’s a 10yr old boy, I want my boy to have the kind of magical Christmases I remember as a child and although presents aren’t the most important part of that they are a big part of it for a child. Santa isn’t well-known for delivering just socks after all.

A lot of friends will be buying their children toys which they expected would long since have been grown out of. Sensory needs, developmental delays, autism… all impact what a child wants to play with or CAN play with. It’s heartbreaking buying the same baby toys every year for a child who has long since passed the age recommendation on the box. We have it easier than most, one of my Dudes greatest loves his Lego and with such a wide variety of sets to choose from we’re never short of ideas in that department! My boy’s motor skills are too poor for him to be able to use remote control toys, lack of independent mobility means traditional toys like bikes etc are no use to him either. And while adaptive technology is amazing, it is out of our price range.

Often, Grandparents, friends, Aunts and Uncles are asked to consider putting the money they would have spent on him into his bank account; by pooling resources, we can buy him adaptive toys etc that he CAN use independently. New pyjamas are always a good go-to, a book as he’s a proper little bookworm like his Mum; he may not be able to read them himself, but it gives us an excuse to read WITH him. And if I’m honest, any excuse to spend more time with my boy is one I’ll happily take! These are just a few points to keep in mind for next Christmas!

Firefly Blog

Real life stories, issues and experiences of day to day life by special needs parents and
healthcare professionals.

Carolyn Voisey

Meet Our Blogger

Mum to one incredible little dude, I work full time in higher education and have my own small business as a jewellery designer/creator. I love nothing more than having time with my family, being outside and with my animals (chickens, cats, dog..!).

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