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Special Needs Parenting: My Christmas Wish List

Special Needs Parenting: My Christmas Wish List

I would strive to be good so that my Christmas wishes would come true.

Now, being a mother myself, I appreciate how hard my parents worked to ensure that we always had a wonderful Christmas.

As a mother of children with special needs, I’ve grown to realize what is truly priceless and my wish list no longer includes frivolous material items.

The things I wish for every day can’t be delivered by a jolly, bearded man on a sleigh.

The gifts that I seek can’t be wrapped in pretty paper or adorned with shiny ribbon.   The presents that I long for won’t fit neatly under our Christmas tree.

They are not commodities or goodies at all, and they require more than a simple wish.

Some of them require loads of diligent work, and others, nothing short of a prayer and a miracle. If I could create a Christmas Wish List to be magically fulfilled, it would look something like this.

1.  I wish that my daughter’s Epilepsy could be cured and that her seizures would become a distant memory.

2.  I wish that the things we take for granted (walking, communicating, eating, etc.) didn’t have to be so challenging for her, and I wish that I could make accomplishing them easier for her.

3.  I wish that I could promise her that there will be no surgeries or scary medical procedures next year.

4.  I wish that I didn’t have to give her daily medications or have to worry about the damage they may cause her solitary kidney.

5.  I wish I could express to her how truly amazing she is and how deeply she is loved.

6.  I wish that my son could see how incredible he is and that Autism doesn’t define him.

7.  I wish that I could make all of his anxieties disappear, and give him a great sense of self-confidence.

8.  I wish that making friends came easily and that kids only showed kindness to one another.

9.  I wish for him to understand his magnificent talents and how intensely proud he makes me each day.

10.  I wish for a world filled with compassion; that everyone would love, help and respect each other, no matter our limitations or disabilities.

I am greatly blessed and thankful for my children; the true gifts in my life.

My family is all that I need gathered around the tree to have a Merry Christmas.

Still, the list of things that I most wish for will always remain, and I’ll always long for them, in case Santa is listening.

Firefly Blog

Real life stories, issues and experiences of day to day life by special needs parents and
healthcare professionals.

Jodi Shenal

Meet Our Blogger

I'm a stay-at-home mom with two amazing children. My son is on the Autism spectrum and my daughter has a rare genetic disorder and multiple disabilities. I am passionate about advocating for my children, writing about our experiences, and raising awareness for other families in our shoes. Our family lives for the little things and we've learned to appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us

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