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Good Deed Sunday

Good Deed Sunday

Never having a motive to go famous or “viral”.

I know I sure have!

In fact, one touched my heart enough to gather up my kiddos and do the same in my own town.

It was a video of a young boy, under the age of five, who used his own money to buy flowers to hand out as Senior Living homes.

Seeing their faces and the joy it brought both parties, was enough to kick my butt in to gear and do the same.

Actually, the same day I saw this video was the same day I gathered up my three kiddos, ages 10, 4 and 1, and took them to buy some flowers and seeds.

We actually bought tiny pots and filled them with soil and planted lavender and parsley in them.

We wanted to give the elderly at the homes something to take care of and watch as the plants grew and sprouted into something they could use.

We also bought colored daisies to pass out.

When I reached out to a local moms group on Facebook, I had asked if there were any rules as to visiting without having a family member at the facility.

I also asked best times to visit, and anything we needed to know beforehand.

When I arrived with my little crew, the boys were nervous yet excited to hand out the goodies and visit with everyone.

The director immediately greeted us and took us to the dining area where everyone was finishing up their lunch.

With a wonderful introduction, we were all introduced and began handing out the seedlings and flowers.

We were asked why we were doing such a thing, and everyone was surprised and pleased to hear that we just wanted to brighten their days!

I really loved seeing my boys go off independently and take into their own hands with passing out the gifts.

It showed me they were not frightened nor shy about meeting new people and hearing their stories they shared.

Even my little Theodore who is one year old was passing out flowers (all to the same lucky lady).

At the end of the visit, they could not thank us enough even though we felt like the lucky ones.

If you ever consider doing a good deed like this, please make sure to call ahead and get good visitation times and see if there is anything handy you need to know.

You just might be surprised how happy you feel knowing you brightened someone else's day!

Firefly Blog

Real life stories, issues and experiences of day to day life by special needs parents and
healthcare professionals.

Brittney Baumgartner

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Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Married to my best friend, Aaron. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

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